Annualized Net Returns as of 12/31/2024*
Arixa Secured Income Fund, LLC (ASIF) – Unlevered
Arixa Enhanced Income Fund, LLC (AEIF) – Levered
*Net returns reflect the deduction of management fees (1% on assets for the Fund) and all applicable Fund expenses, including incentive fees for the Arixa Enhance Income Fund (20% after a 9% preferred return). Returns are time weighted and calculated based on the capital contributions received from limited partners since the inception of the Funds, assuming re-investment of interest income. The Arixa Secured Income Fund launched in March 2010 and the Arixa Enhanced Income Fund launched in January 2014. The time weighted returns for limited partners who invested after the inception of the Funds may be lower. The performance information contained herein is provided for informational and discussion purposes only. Past performance is not an indication of future results.